24 April 2015

Friday 24th April

I got onto the patch a bit later than expected, which was a bit disappointing considering the perfect spring weather conditions, and it wasn't long until I had a phone call from Dave Who had just flushed a Woodlark, and then was watching an Osprey drifting over the paddocks being mobbed by several angry gulls. The bird then headed off pretty swiftly but was then followed with a Honey Buzzard which I also missed heading off slowly west also over the paddocks. But the day was still young and eventually was rewarded with a rather distant Red Kite heading east, and then a Raven which headed over towards Westwood Cross. It was certainly a day for migrants and we also recorded the first Lesser Whitethroat of the year, and several newly arrived Whitethroats. There was also 13 Common Buzzards which came through late afternoon, 5 Wheatears, 1 Ring Ouzel, 2 Chiffchaffs, 20 Swallows, 1 House Martin, 11 Blackcaps, 4 Yellow Wagtails and 1 Little Owl.      

Thursday 16th April

Back to blogging once again after a few months away from the scene, I have been on the patch on and off throughout 2015, and looking forward to some more regular coverage. Its probably pointless putting in old data from previous months so will put today's records In instead and start from here. So far this spring hasn't been to bad with Red Kite, Raven, best count of 12 Common Buzzards, Black Redstart, Firecrest, and a few of the more common migrants finally starting to appear. Probably the best record was off a Hobby on the 4th the 2nd earliest ever recorded here, and a Coal Tit which over wintered and still  remains a good patch record here. Sightings today were 2 Wheatears, 4 Blackcaps, the first Whitethroat, several Swallows, 2 new Chiffchaffs and a Little Owl.

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